San Diego Landscape Designers

Low Water-use Gardening.

If you live in San Diego, guess what…you live in a chaparral climate zone.
Without even getting into Global Warming or greenhouse effect conversations,
you have probably noticed that if you don’t water your lawn…it dies. And
conversely, if you water it regularly, you will pay the piper come water-bill
time. (As well as suffer under the condemning eye of the planet-friendly folks)
Although low levels of rainfall do not mean drought conditions, periods
of drought and dryness are a recurring phenomenon in warm, arid and semiarid
climates. With San Diego’s expanding population we tax the available resources.
So we have a situation of naturally low water levels and more folks living here.
The reality is that we need to change our bad habits: using ‘thirsty’-plants,
inefficient irrigation and general overuse of water. We must use our resources
more wisely.
At Torry Pines Landscape Co., we’re working on improving the water-use in
your garden. We design landscapes that are environmentally-sensitive. Although
low water-use may be a focus, there are other additional benefits that are achieved.
-Creating a Habitat for Wildlife
-Reducing Erosion
-Reduce Waste
Torrey Pines Landscape Co. was at the leading edge of bringing satellite controllers
for efficient irrigation to the San Diego area. We wanted you to benefit
from the merge of the latest technological advances with the current hot-topic
of going green. The controllers in your garden receives the current weather
information for your garden and modifies the irrigation accordingly. Pretty
